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The Garden at Elm Bank

Massachusetts Horticultural Society’s Garden at Elm Bank is a horticultural jewel of Greater Boston. A place of beauty, contemplation and exploration, the garden welcomes all. A blend of historic and contemporary, like all gardens, Elm Bank is a work in progress. Through it, we seek to engage guests with the importance of plants, gardens and natural landscapes in their lives and help them to become active growers and gardeners themselves.

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Bressingham Garden

Added in 2007 and designed by plantsman Adrian Bloom of Bressingham, England, this garden was installed in two days by more than 200 volunteers.

Read Adrian Bloom's article on his lifetime experience with gardening.

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Dahlia Garden

Planted in 2023 in partnership with Yankee Dahlia Society, this garden contains 186 colorful dahlias in over 61 cultivars. Peak bloom season begins in September!


Daylily Garden

The Daylily Garden boasts more than 100 varieties of heirloom daylilies. A popular low-maintenance perennial, this species comes in thousands of colors, which you can see blooming in mid-summer.
Education Building-Garden at Elm Bank

Education Building

Home to our Library, classrooms and meeting rooms, restrooms and water bottle refill station, as well as staff offices, this building features a year-round rotating display of artworks by artists in our Botanical Art & Illustration Program and other community art groups. 

Goddess Garden

These statues are the Roman goddesses Flora, Ceres, and Pomona. They were originally installed on the façade of the 2nd Horticulture Hall in Boston. 

Learn more about this history of the goddess statues in the article “Boston’s Missing: The Horticultural Goddesses” by Aline Kaplan.


Hartley Botanic Greenhouse

Installed in 2017, this beautiful greenhouse displays how home gardeners can accommodate and use a greenhouse on their property.

Historic Daffodil and Native Plant Garden

The Noanett Garden Club installed and has maintained the Historic Daffodil and Native Plant Garden for the last 20 years.

Jim Crockett Memorial Garden

This relaxing area is a favorite for picnics and catching up with friends. Dedicated to honor Jim Crockett (of PBS's 'The Victory Garden'). 



Ancient tools for mindfulness, labyrinths can help you clear your mind and appreciate nature in a very direct way. 

Introduced in November 2023.

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Maple Grove

In between the Jim Crockett Memorial Garden and the Goddess Garden sits Maple Grove. A large lawn area fit for concerts, picnics, events, and our Garden Tails Story Time.


Manor House

In 1907, Alice Cheney-Baltzell, the last individual to live on this property, hired Carrere and Hastings—the firm that designed the NY Public Library—to design this house.

Stabilization of the Manor House is underway!


Olmsted Italianate Garden

This garden was designed by Percival Gallagher of the Olmsted Firm and functioned as a room of the Manor house with its tall, hedged walls. The Camperdown elms (trees nearest the house) are grafted trees and original to Gallagher's design. The fountain is a 14th century Spanish baptismal font, purchased by Alice Cheney-Baltzell on her honeymoon.

Alan Peyton Memorial Rhododendron Garden

Planted in the Rhododendron Garden are unusual small-leaved varieties and full-sun varieties of rhododendron. Peak blooming time of the Rhododendron Garden is May-June.
MHS Wildflower Meadow

Pollinator Meadow

Introduced in 2023, the meadow features perennial, annual, and biennial flowering plants that attract all kinds of pollinators.
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Seed to Table Vegetable Garden

This garden was established with the purpose to help people learn about growing their own food. From raised beds to potted containers, this garden showcases different ways home gardeners can find success with their gardens.

Shade Garden

This garden features a variety of hosta and other shade-loving plants, such as ferns and pulmonaria. Many of the hosta were donated by the New England Hosta Society.


Teaching Herb Garden

Planted like a clock, each wedge has a theme highlighting the herb's use or history. In the Culinary Garden, you’ll see kitchen favorites like thyme, chives, and other flavorful edibles.

Temple and Asian Garden

This garden was part of the Olmsted firm's original 1907 design. The Restoration and Repurposing of the garden is underway.
Trial Garden with Greenhouse

Trial Garden

The first garden installed by MHS; it is one of three trial gardens in New England, and tests new and unreleased varieties of annuals and perennials, as well as heirloom vegetables.

Weezie's Garden for Children

Designed by Julie Moir Messervy Design Studio, this layout highlights small 'rooms' in one large space, created to engage the senses and spark imagination. Inspired by an unfurling fern, the garden layout mimics a series of fern fronds. 

Discover Weezie's with this fun exploration of Weezie's Garden for Children!

Visit the Garden at Elm Bank

Come explore these garden areas by planning your visit today!