Massachusetts Horticultural Society’s Garden at Elm Bank is a horticultural jewel of Greater Boston. A place of beauty, contemplation and exploration, the garden welcomes all. A blend of historic and contemporary, like all gardens, Elm Bank is a work in progress. Through it, we seek to engage guests with the importance of plants, gardens and natural landscapes in their lives and help them to become active growers and gardeners themselves.
Planted in 2023 in partnership with Yankee Dahlia Society, this garden contains 186 colorful dahlias in over 61 cultivars. Peak bloom season begins in September!
This garden features a variety of hosta and other shade-loving plants, such as ferns and pulmonaria. Many of the hosta were donated by the New England Hosta Society.
Come explore these garden areas by planning your visit today!
Massachusetts Horticultural Society helps people change their lives and communities for the better through growing plants together.