Gift of Stocks and Securities

Gifts of Stocks and Securities

Our success stems from your support and your gift of stock to Massachusetts Horticultural Society is greatly appreciated. Your broker can assist you in making a gift of stock via a direct transfer to Massachusetts Horticultural Society.

The MHS brokerage account is with RBC Wealth Management. Our Account manager is David Milowe, who can be reached at 781-263-1000.

RBC Wealth Management
57 River Street
Wellesley Hills, MA 02481


Account number:        301-34395

DCT number:              0235


Either you or your broker must contact us by calling our Philanthropy and Outreach team at 617-933-4963 or emailing with your contact information and the name of the stock and number of shares being transferred. This will ensure your gift is property credited and acknowledged.


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Massachusetts Horticultural Society helps people change their lives and communities for the better through growing plants together. 

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