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Senior Programs

Massachusetts Horticultural Society is excited to announce new Senior programs for older adults living together in communities. We have created 6 standard programs that have proven to be educational, fun, and therapeutic in a senior care setting. Explore the world of herbs, topiary, succulents, Japanese gardening, and more! These programs are designed to be held on location at your senior care facility or adult community, all supplies are provided by MHS.

Program Offerings

Herbs 101: History, Science, and How to Grow Your Own

Together we will explore the rich history and fascinating science of everyday herbs while learning how to grow and care for our own mini herb garden. We will learn about herb uses and design and create a mini herb garden that will satisfy all 5 senses!

Boxwood Topiary: A History of Fanciful Shrubs

Join us this holiday season to create our own living mini topiary pieces! Boxwood has long been prized for its hardiness and ability to be shaped via topiary design. We will be shaping and decorating our own living boxwood trees that can live in windowsills and tabletops until it is time to plant it outside! We will learn about the history of topiary - including an important moment in history which happened right down the road!

Kokedama Moss Gardens

Known as poor man's bonsai in Japan, kokedama is the centuries old art of gardening in moss. Kokedama literally translates from “koke” meaning moss and “dama” meaning ball. It is an ancient form of bonsai where plants are grown from living moss! Each kokedama is a living garden, a decorative and unique planting idea, and a wonderful conversational art piece! Gardens can be hung up or placed in a dish for display.

Succulent Pumpkins and the History of Pumpkin Decor

For this project we will be using your choice of pumpkin, various succulents to choose from, moss, and a glue gun. No soil or pumpkin carving knives necessary!
We will learn which is the best type of pumpkin to use, how to select and prepare succulent plant cuttings, and the best (and easiest) way to assemble your masterpiece. As we create our designs, we will learn about the long and winding history of seasonal pumpkin decor like Jack-O-Lanterns.

Spring Bulbs and Traditions: Grape Hyacinth

With the cold and dark winter ending soon, let’s celebrate the arrival of Spring with one of the first blooming flowers of the year - the grape hyacinth! These plants can be grown and enjoyed indoors in the winter, then planted outside for perennial springtime beauty.
We will be planting our own indoor grape hyacinth arrangements and learning how to care for these bulbs while they are growing and blooming. MHS staff will take you on a journey through the rich history of the grape hyacinth - reminding us of our history and connection to the past.

The Incredible History of the Terrarium

A terrarium is a sealed transparent jar or similar container in which plants are grown. It is a complete ecosystem which creates its own water, air, and food. We will bring an assortment of plants for residents to choose from, along with some fun rocks, shells, and other visual aspects to make our terrariums interesting. MHS staff will teach residents about the history of terrariums and how to properly care for them once they are complete.


Small Group


  • Staff Time and Supplies for
  • 10-12 participants
Large Group


  • Staff Time and Supplies for
  • 13-20 Participants

Book a Program

Ready to book a program? Still have questions? Reach out here!