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Book a Garden Speaker

Book a Garden Speaker

All topics available virtually or on location – Lectures start at $350.00. Currently, Wednesdays are unavailable for lectures. Please fill out our request form if looking to book.



Lectures Topics Include

Seed Saving

Saving seeds is a great way of preserving plants that perform well in this area, and also getting next year’s plants for free. Learn how to tell if a plant will “breed true”, and also how to collect and preserve seeds for next year’s garden and harvest.

Composting for the Home Gardener

There is a biology to composting, and understanding it will lead to healthy compost. The speaker for this session will review the different types of compost systems you can set at home and offer guidelines for compost maintenance.

Growing from Seed/Seed Starting

Growing plants from seed can be both fun and challenging. The speaker in this session will review the timeline for starting vegetable and ornamental plants, as well as review the the materials and supplies you will need to grow from seed.

A History of Plants and People

The science of agriculture is approximately 25,000 years old. The development of agriculture has influenced civilization, impacted the environment, and dictated food supplies. The speaker in this session will discuss significant agricultural changes in the last century and look at the future of the science based on the choices we are making today.

Gardening 101

To have a bountiful garden, “all” you need to do is provide your plants what they need. But what do they need?  And how do you provide it? Learn about sunlight, space, water and most of all soil, and you’ll have the basics to develop the garden you’ve always wanted. 

Garden math

“How much mulch does it take to cover 500 square feet of garden 2 inches deep? Please show your work.” This lecture will remind you of those skills you thought you had left behind in 6th grade math.  It includes determining how many square feet of garden you have, how to translate soil test recommendations into actual numbers, and how much mulch to buy. 


Are GMOs evil?  The future hope of the world?  Something in between? Join us to explore what the actual data can tell us about GMOs and our health, the environment, the agricultural economy, and our hopes of feeding the world.

Lawns & Lawn Alternatives

Lawns are imported garden fixtures from places with cool, wet summers. Here a “perfect” lawn is a major drain on water supplies, a source of pollution, and a lot of work. Look at options for tailoring your lawn and your lawn care to fit your needs, potentially eliminating hundreds of hours of labor and expensive treatments every year. The talk will include some discussion of alternatives to the traditional grass lawn.

Native New England Flora

This presentation focuses on the native plants of New England. Plants native to our region will be easier to maintain, better able to withstand New England weather and may offer better resistance to deer and rabbits. The trees, shrubs, and perennials that evolved here will grow here with much less input from you.  You will reduce your workload while creating a paradise for the native birds and pollinators.


Garden Centers are bursting with beautiful annuals, perennials, shrubs and trees, but filling your garden from these nurseries costs more than most people can afford. Learn how to garden for less with seedlings, divisions, cuttings, etc. from your friends and neighbors and your own garden.

Soil Preparation

The quality and make-up of your soil has a huge influence on how well your plants will do. Unlike sunlight, air and water (the other 3 requirements), you can’t tell whether your soils are right for your plants by looking at them, or sometimes even at your plants. Learn about soil structure, compaction, fertility and pH, and how you can modify these for a more successful garden.

Urban Gardening

Urban gardening is about growing food and ornamentals in small spaces.  Whether you have a huge yard without the time or desire to tend it all, or an apartment with no outdoor space at all, this talk will give you tips and techniques to start and maintain a garden you can call your own.